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The DSL or Broadband light on my modem is blinking green fast

If the DSL or Broadband light on your modem is blinking green fast, it means your DSL modem is unable to get a consistent DSL signal. To solve this problem:

A: Confirm your DSL service is activated.
If you are a new DSL member, be sure you are not trying to connect to the Internet before we have activated your DSL service. To check your service activation date, visit, and click on the Track the status of your DSL order link.

B: Check your DSL modem connections.
A loose connection on your DSL modem could result in poor connectivity. Confirm that all of the cables are properly and firmly connected to both your DSL modem and your computer.

C: Confirm that all devices are filtered.
If you have a device plugged in to a phone jack that does not have a DSL filter, it may be interfering with the signal, resulting in poor connectivity. Check to be sure all of your phone devices have a DSL filter.

D: Restart your DSL modem.
Sometimes simply shutting off and re-starting your modem will reset your connection. Simply turn off the power switch (if you have a wireless modem) and unplug the DSL modem power cord, let it sit for approximately 30 seconds, then plug the power cord back and turn the power on to start it up.

E: Reset your DSL modem.
If restarting your DSL modem didn't solve the problem, you may need to reset it. To do so, insert a pin, or the end of a paper clip into the Reset slot on the back of the modem to press the Reset button. Keep the Reset button pressed for at least 10 seconds.

F: Try a different phone jack.
The problem with your connection may be due to a faulty phone jack. Try plugging your DSL modem into a different jack.

G: Contact Technical Support.
If none of the troubleshooting steps resulted in solving your problems, please contact Technical Support for more assistance.

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