How do I set up a Wireless Network? In order to set up a wireless network you'll need to have both a wireless card for your PC and a wireless router. If you have the wireless modem, you first need to create and name your network, then add computers to it. If your modem has a power switch in the back, you have a wireless modem (click here for more information about determining if you have a wireless modem). For information on creating your network, click here To learn about adding computers to your network, click here. If you don't have a wireless modem, you will need to buy a third-party wireless router, available at most local electronics stores, and follow the instructions below. The NetZero DSL modem is already equipped with routing capability and should be used as your router. To set up a wireless network using your NetZero DSL modem, you will need to disable routing in the wireless router. To configure the wireless network without a wireless modem: - Connect your wireless router
Connect your wireless router to the DSL modem, by unplugging the Ethernet cable from your computer, and connecting it to one of the LAN ports in your wireless router.
- Disable DHCP function in your wireless router
The wireless router will need to have its DHCP function disabled. You will need to check your wireless router manual or contact the router vendor for information on how to change this feature within the router.
- Restart your NetZero DSL modem and your computer
Many times your modem will simply need to be turned off and restarted (power-cycled) in order to re-establish connection to the Internet.
- A. Shut down your computer.
- B. Turn off your DSL modem by unplugging the AC power cord.
- C. Wait for at least 30 seconds to one minute.
- D. Turn on your DSL modem by plugging back the AC power cord, and
wait for it to go through its internal setup until the Power and DSL lights are green and steady. - E. Turn on your computer, and try to reconnect to the Internet.
- Configure the NetZero DSL modem's firewall to allow the wireless router access to the Internet.
In some cases you may need to configure your DSL modem's internal firewall to allow the wireless router access to the Internet. To do so: - A. Open a Web browser and go to
- B. Click on the Firewall icon and select Firewall Settings.
- C. Click on Select a Computer, and find your wireless device from the drop-down list.
- D. Be sure Allow all connections (DMZPlus Mode) is checked.
- E. Click Save.
- F. Restart your computer, and power cycle both the wireless device and the DSL modem.
Please note: These instructions are meant to be general guidelines for setting up a standard wireless network. You should always follow the vendor's instructions for installing, configuring, and maintaining your wireless network. If you have any questions about your wireless network, or have any problems, please contact your wireless equipment vendor's technical support. Below are four of the more popular Wireless Network Device vendors. If your wireless router is made by one of these vendors, click on the link to be taken to their Web site:
Note: In some cases, you will need the modem Username and password to set up the Wireless connection. You can find this information on the bottom of the modem: - Username: modem's serial
- Password: modem's serial number
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