Common Browsing Errors / Solutions NetZero HiSpeed has encountered a problem and needs to close. Generally, this error occurs when Windows is low on available memory or resources and has become unstable. If may also occur due to a software conflict.
A. Restart your computer In most cases, restarting your computer will correct this problem. A full shutdown, followed by a 30 second cool-down period is recommended, prior to restarting your computer.
B. Troubleshoot for software conflicts If a shutdown did not resolve the problem, there may be a conflict between the NetZero HiSpeed software and another program running on your computer. To resolve this, you'll need to disable other running programs in order to identify the conflict. Exit NetZero. Press and hold the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys at the same time. - Press and hold the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys at the same time.
- A window appears listing all of the programs running on your system.
- For every program EXCEPT Explorer and Systray, click once on each program listed to highlight it, and then click End Task.

Note: Each time that you click on the End Task button, you will have to press and hold the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys to bring the Close Program window back up. - Try your NetZero connection again. If this resolves the problem, close NetZero and restart your machine. Repeat the above steps, clicking End Task for only one program at a time. Each time you use End Task, try your NetZero connection again. If you encounter the error again, you will know which program is creating the conflict.
Try your NetZero connection again. If this resolves the problem, restart your computer, and then repeat the above steps, ending only one program at a time. Each time you remove a running program, try your NetZero connection again. If you don't encounter the error again, the last running program that you removed is the program creating the conflict. You must then choose to either stop running this program when using NetZero HiSpeed, or contact that program's manufacturer to see if they can suggest a work-around.
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