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Error message in IE7: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"

If you are having trouble viewing Web pages and see this error when you are online, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. View a web page

    1. Launch Internet Explorer 7.
    2. Type: in the address bar, and press Enter.
    3. If you are able to connect to the NetZero Web site, it's likely that you received the error because of a problem at the other Web site. Try the other site again. If you receive the same error message contact the administrator of the Web site.
  2. Use the Delete Browsing History feature
    1. Open Internet Explorer 7 and select Delete Browsing History from the Tools menu.

    2. Click Delete files next to Temporary Internet Files, and then click Yes.

    3. Click Delete history under History, and then click Yes.
    4. Next to Form data, click Delete forms, and then click Yes.
    5. Click Close to finish.

  3. Use the Internet Explorer in the No Add-ons mode
    1. Click Start and select All Programs.
    2. Click Accessories and select System Tools.
    3. Click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

  4. Isolate the add-on that caused the issue
    1. Launch Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options.

    2. Click the Programs tab and select Manage add-ons.

    3. Select an add-on in the Name list and click Disable.

    4. Retry the Web page where you saw the error.
    5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you identify the add-on that causes the issue.
  5. Reset Internet Explorer Settings (RIES)
    1. Launch Internet Explorer, click Tools and select Internet Options.
    2. Click the Advanced tab.
    3. Click Reset.

    4. Click Reset in the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box.

    5. When Internet Explorer 7 finishes restoring the default settings, click Close.
    6. Click OK twice.
    7. Restart Internet Explorer 7.

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